Friday, June 25, 2010

Now what?

The critique last week hit hard some of the realities of the project which i have been neglecting. Mainly the risk that has become evident now is that the architectural brief itself has almost disappeared.

How do i take these ideas of dynamic information and social technology into a brief and realise this into a project. This is something that needs some urgent dwelling into. At one point in experiment 3 a quick attempt of trying to architecturalize the concepts in experiment 1 and 2 proved insufficient, as trying to force four walls into something that cant be described by four walls is a challenging paradox, and a huge risk in the project.

My initial idea of a wireless and remotely activated office/work/play culture has now turned into an evaluation on information as reflected in networking. As a result, simply designing a 'wireless workplace' in the general sense (you can do your work wherever) does not do the research much justice. It was pointed out that 'Viral Places' are not simply about the geographic location but what happens in those co-ordinates that are shared and reflected upon in a social networked society, by people in turn existing in multiple geographic locations. Geographic location is irrelevant. The question is now how can you bring architecture into places and situations that dont want to be in one place?

The break is a good time to burn through some more various blogs out there and some readings. Also there needs to be more filtering of those experiment outcomes, with some to be discarded and some carried forward, and packaged to be more succinct rather than generalised. Either focus on dynamic information, or social media, but not both. Most importantly what the final outcome at the end of next semester is going to be; do i pursue in designing something in a location, to be viewed in plans, elevations, sections, models, renderings? Or maybe reduce the physical scope of the product; can say an installation in a foyer space, a short film, a short animation?

Thursday, June 24, 2010

Final Marketing and Research Matrix

See below for the final revised Research Matrix and 4 marketing images (the fifth one has already been included in this blog).

Also included below are 4 of the 5 marketing images related to the Experiments. 

Information (Ubiquitous) - Research Documentation

And see below for the documentation on the final experiment. Please be patient with this as there are tons of externally linked videos that flash has to load up on every page.

//Encountering difficulties uploading the flash file to my FTP, will have a go again later today//

Information (Ubiquitous) - Results

Professional Practice callings meant im posting this one week late than expected, but here they are.

Above: Prototype 01 for spatialising information environments - User responsive AR.

Above: Prototype 02 for spatialising information environments - Remote Feeds (visual).

Saturday, June 12, 2010

TURNING POINT: Experiment 03 - In-Formation(Ubiquitous).

Having rigged a series of ActionScripts in Flash to enable multiple camera feeds into FLARToolkit, it occurred to me to revisit my blog, particularly focusing on the literature surrounding the definition of my problem space.

Previously i have been quoting the idea of a read-write environment with vague allusions to the Klein Bottle and Escher's hands drawing. I previously argued that these two examples reflect an environment that can describe a metamorphic concept of space and place, that one change results in another which consequently alters the former ad-infinitum. This metamorphosis occurs, as i had argued, because of the recency and updatability of information that is overlaid onto our habitat. 

Escher, Drawing Hands

Klein Bottle

What was not envisaged was that the pilots in augmented reality can reflect a literal construction of metamorphic space;- assemblies where space turns upon itself much like the Klein Bottle. What if stairs can literally turn into itself once you reach a platform, alike Escher's stairs? What if reflection were distorted (a front view presented as a side view etc)? What if reflection was a reflection of a reflection, like standing in an enclosed mirrored box? See below for new pilot on the Moebius Effect.

Friday, June 11, 2010

Experiment 03 - In-Formation(Ubiquitious). Pilot Testings.

Here are a series of short pilot testing of the ideas and concepts presented in the literature view previously.

Experiment 03 - In-Formation(Ubiquitious). Literature Review

A brief literature review of the ideas and concepts behind experiment 03 regarding augmented reality and information space. Experiment results and demonstrations will come soon.

Literature Reviewed:

- Steven Spielberg, 2002 - Minority Report
- Mamoru Oshii, 1995 - Ghost in the Shell
- Keichii Matsuda, 2009 - augmented (hyper)Reality: Domestic Robocop