Wednesday, March 31, 2010

What is a Wireless Environment?

(left of the drawing) FIXED - LINEAR/PREMEDITATED:

You commit to doing one thing until the transaction is complete. You cannot change things or commit to exchanges during the course of this transaction;- information is only exchanged at the end of the transaction. You are fixed to one space as long as you are performing the function/task at hand (waiting for a call, phone conversation via landline). Fixed spaces and preconceived encounters is preferred to over instant status checks, (an agreed waiting time and space set hours ahead, a tendency to wait for a phone call) with a hope that the details and steps are agreed to and events do not go astray.


Your network changes in response to your changing of actions. You have access to live feeds and instantaneous capacities to receive and transmit updates on your current status. You can act on the “spur of the moment.” You may not decide to meet a person until the very last minute; if you do you may not decide where specifically to meet him/her until your intended/random destination is reached. If you need an update on something you can instantly send the signal to receive the relevant information, with a peace in mind.

A task can occur no-where and everywhere due to portability (drifting across different rooms with a cordless telecommunications device, mobile phone space? Laptop space?).

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