Wednesday, January 5, 2011

Evil George

George Bush - From Russells office

93% Synthy


Error Shots: A previous attempt to shoot an object under the same lighting condition yielded only 27% synthy.  The guess was the lack of color variation in the model taken, and the incompleteness of a 360o shoot through of the object. 


Postscript: Another attempt was taken on another more detailed and more color varied object. However, the model only yielded a 59% synthyness. it was with daylight that was streamed in from one direction (from the window). The contrast between highly illuminated and dimmed down photograhs separated the synths, even when the photos were level corrected in Photoshop.

PhotoSynth Dos:

- choose object with more detail and panorama (+50% synthy)
- change the color levels in photoshop before synthing (+6% synthy)

PhotoSynth Donts:

- take object in a variable light condition (-25% synthy, ie the overshadowed face will not match)

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